Department of Licensing (DOL)
Website Improvements Project
This project is redesigning the website using Human Centered Design (HCD) principles. The goal of the project is to improve accessibility, usability, readability, and navigability. This project also moves onto a modern content management platform and website hosting service.
DriVes - Business Technology Modernization (BTM)
A multi-phased effort that will modernize the Department of Licensing’s vehicle, driver and revenue applications due to dated systems that are obsolete, difficult to modify and are in danger of failing.
Prorate and Fuel Tax System Replacement (PRFT)
Establish a single fully–integrated web-based computer system for management of the State’s Prorate and Fuel Tax responsibilities.
Central Issuance System Replacement (CIS)
Replacement of CIS system that assists the department in producing identification cards, driver’s licenses, and enhanced driver’s licenses.
Washington State Patrol (WSP)
Firearms Background Check System (SAFE)
The Washington State Patrol (WSP) will serve as the centralized single point of content for dealers to conduct background checks for firearms sales and transfers. The new system will be called SAFE – Secure Automated Firearms E-Check.
A new division within WSP will manage the day-to-day operations when the system comes online in late 2023. The number of background checks is estimated at 650,000 per year. The Legislature also establishes a background Check Advisory Board to provide oversight on the establishment and operation of the state firearm background check system.
W2 Replacement System
The replacement of the current Washington State Identification System (WASIS) and Washington Crime Information Center (WACIC) system. This is a contracted Agile/Scrum IT development project incorporating new business requirements with the national standards and practices and the interfaces for law enforcement information exchange between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS), Washington Administrator of the Courts (AOC), and the Department of Licensing (DOL).
Washington State Depatment of Health (DOH)
Upgrade Medical Cannabis Registry System (UMCR)
The Department of Health (DOH) maintains a medical cannabis registry (MCR) that provides recognition cards to qualifying patients and designated providers, allowing them to take advantage of legal protections offered by the Washington State law. The existing system, developed in 2015, needs upgrades, lacks adequate reporting functionality, and does not provide system access from mobile or tablet devices.
The Washington State Department of Health is pursuing a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that broadens end-user capabilities, has robust reporting and data functionality, supports core business processes, and provides a sustainable platform (including mobile) to adapt to an evolving regulatory environment. The system will integrate and exchange data electronically with DOH and other state agencies. The capabilities offered in the MCR must follow state laws and practices.
Washington State Services for the Blind (DSB)
Business Management System (BMS)
The modernizing and adapting the current system, data, and business practices into a new COTS enterprise solution that meets State and Federal requirements.
Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS)
UNISYS Rehosting Project (URP)
DSHS migrated three mission-critical applications residing at the State Data Center to an externally hosted environment meeting State and Federal operational and data security requirements.
Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF)
Formerly Dept. of Early Learning (DEL)
Early Childhood Education Assistance Program (ECEAP)
The Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) has been legislatively-mandated to electronically track subsidized child care and Early Childhood Education Assistance Program (ECEAP) attendance to address a history of State Auditor’s Office (SAO) findings of lack of internal controls and to aid in longitudinal child outcome research. The new attendance system will reduce errors and overpayments and will provide an immediate audit trail to assist discovery, investigation, and processing of errors or frauds. Electronic attendance will also reduce errors and the amount of time it takes providers to manually tabulate hours when submitting invoices to DSHS for payment.
King County
King County METRO Enterprise Asset Management Solution (EAMS)
King County (Washington State) is a multi-purpose government with approximately 14,000 employees covering 2,134 square miles. King County is nearly twice as large as the average County in the United States. With more than 2 million people, it also ranks as the 13th most populous County in the nation. King County Metro, officially the King County Metro Transit Department (Metro), is the public transit authority of King County, Washington, which includes the City of Seattle. It is the eighth-largest transit bus agency in the United States, carrying an average of 395,000 passengers each weekday on 215 routes. Metro also schedules and operates two (2) water taxi routes, two (2) streetcar lines, and the Link Light Rail. Metro employs 5,000 people to provide safe and reliable public transportation, including 2,716 full-time and part-time operators who operate Metro’s fleet of 1,540 buses.
The new Enterprise Asset Management Solution (EAMS) will be scaleable for the entire County. The Software as a Service (SAS) solution shall be secure, comprehensive that will enable the County to manage all tangible department assets through a single platform integrated with enterprise financial and business systems.
Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network (PSERN) Replacement Project
The primary purpose of the system is to provide daily emergency radio communications services for police, fire, emergency medical services, public school districts, and public hospitals within King County. The most important use of the system is to dispatch public safety responders to incidents and allow them to communicate with each other at these incidents. The secondary purpose of the system is to provide service to other public agencies with emergency response or general governmental duties to the extent permitted under FCC regulations.
King County Clerk's Office (KCCO)
Department of Judicial Administration’s System Replacement Project (SRP)
The King County Superior Court Clerk’s Office (also known as the Department of Judicial Administration (DJA)) Systems Replacement Project for a case and financial management system to support DJA’s business operations, including: 1) Case management functions that support case processing between case initiation and case closure; and 2) financial management functions that support intake, accounting and public distribution of case funds, as well as management of various accounts associated with Superior Court cases. The project also includes the development of interfaces to several applications and data conversion and migration from multiple systems
Oregon Department of Corrections (ODOC)
Electronic Health Records Project (QA Subcontractor with Berry Dunn)
Annually, ODOC’s Health Services provides medical care, behavioral health services, dental care, substance abuse treatment, and medications (collectively “Care”) to more than 21,000 patients housed in 14 institutions statewide. ODOC also sends patients to hospitals and professional service providers in the various communities for Care. The data generated through the provision of Care is handwritten in paper charts and then manually entered into an antiquated offender management system. This disparate process has made it difficult over the last few years and certainly in 2020, for ODOC to manage critical health care situations such as the seasonal flu, the Salem water crisis, vaccinations, comorbid conditions, complex care coordination, health care access equity, and now COVID-19. In these critical situations, ODOC staff find it virtually impossible to be proactive in system-wide monitoring of temperature increases, high blood pressure, diabetes or other health indicators in order to identify its vulnerable population effectively.
Oregon Health Authority (OHA)
Tracking Home Visiting Effectiveness in Oregon (“THEO”) Project
The objective of the project is to deliver an interoperable and scalable home visiting data collection, claims processing, case management and reporting system. THEO is a modular web based solution built on Vistalogic’s Clara platform and was initially developed and piloted through the Home Visiting Data System (HVDS) Project. THEO will reduce data silos, and collect, surveil and analyze population data to standardize and streamline home visiting activities and demonstrate their value and cost effectiveness.
Oregon Department of Education (ODE)
Early Learning Programs
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE), Early Learning Division (ELD) requires a modern and robust facility-based data system that supports licensing, quality rating and ongoing monitoring of child care and early learning programs. ELD is replacing the current inadequate and ODE incompatible facility-based data system. This will fall under specifications of the 2013 federal Race to the Top (RTT) grant ELD received.
Oregon - City of Portland
Regional Justice Information Network (RegJIN)
A project to implement a police Records Management System (RMS) for Portland and 40 surrounding agencies, including Vancouver WA and Clark County Sheriff.
Oregon - Portland Police Bureau
Office 365 Upgrade
CASE Associates is providing the project management process quality assurance services for the Portland Police Bureau’s Office 365 Migration project.
Regional Records Management System (RMS)
CASE Associates is providing the project management process quality assurance services for the RMS Cloud Project. The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) is working with its Records Management System (RMS) vendor (Versaterm) to transition the database from an on-premise server to Versaterm’s cloud option.